Burnt Face - Forgiven
In the blink of an eye you scarred me for life Burnt Face was the taunt that cut like a knife The trauma, suffering, pain and tears How...

Dealing with blocked trauma
It's been a little while since my last blog, but today I am wanting to share something with you all that really shocked me to the core....

My Baby Girl Graduated
The last couple of days' formalities for her final week of school were quite overwhelming for her as she and her close friends said good

Zoom Virtual Chat Room
So, I am about to host my first Zoom Conference or as I like to call it my Virtual Chat Room. I have participated in many online...

Burnt Face - Book Launch
My book launch was last Wednesday 11th October, which just so happened to coincide with my birthday. Coincidence, I think not! I was...

Word of the Month: Anticipation
ANTICIPATION is an emotion that involves pleasure, excitement or anxiety in considering an expected event. I can tell you, that over the...

What is a Blog?
According to the online Dictionary, the term 'Blog' means a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or...

Listen to your body and give it permission to REST!
So, this past week I have basically been bedridden and diagnosed with Bronchitis. I have literally had no energy to do anything but lay...

Fathers' Day
I want to acknowledge my father on this special day. I love and miss him very much. Dad idolised my Mum and was very much a family man...

Who inspires you?
I am currently in the stage of finalising my book, "Burnt Face" and recently wrote my dedication page. I have come across many...